Introducing All New Rules and Radio Buttons


Did you know that you can add calculations and rules to your templates? For anyone who wants to add intelligence to your templates we have made it even simpler to use. In addition, we have also updated the Radio Button controls.

What's New with Rules?

Rules are designed to give templates the ability to have more intelligence, such as: format validation, conditional requirements, calculations and much more. For the new rules, we've integrated with a block based rules editor to provide a whole new look and ease of use. Here are just some of the awesome new features in Rules:

  1. Blocks: Use visualization to just 'build' the rule you need by connecting value and logic blocks together.

  2. Presets: Pre-defined rules you can add to your fields. 

  3. Categorization & Color Coding: Rules are divided into sections, giving you clear guidance to what rules can 'snap together'.
  4. Drop-Down: Utilizes drop-down lists to quickly and easily select fields and operators.


How do I access rules?

  1. Login to
  2. Click the Template sidebar menu on the left side of the page
  3. Find the desired template in the template list
  4. Click the "Edit" button (pencil icon) to the right of your template
  5. The Designer tool opens in a new browser window
  6. At the top, click the "Rules" tab

For more details, click here.

What's New with Radio Buttons?

Radio Buttons have been updated to optimize field settings. The new tool allows for: 

  1. Quick Setup: Drag and drop the radio button on the template where you want it.  Just click on it to set it up as desired.
  2. Add/Remove Choices: Built into the tool, is the ability to directly add or remove field choices inline in a single field settings.
  3. Customize Choice Locations: Use the simple location coordinates to adjust the choice locations to exactly where needed and match consistent alignment.
For more details, click here.
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