Document Editor Guide (Web Forms)


Getting Started 

To use the Document Editor first a new or existing document will need to be opened in the Editor. For details on how to add or edit a document refer to Add or Edit Documents.

Once the document is opened in the Editor, the document can be completed and then submitted as needed.


1. Fill Out Document

Typed Information: For information that has been entered via a text box, type the updated information.



Field Choice: To choose a different field choice (Radio Buttons & Checkboxes) select the field choice to select and deselect.



List Choice: For list choice fields like “state”, “date”, etc. click the field and select the updated option.



Photos: To add or replace a photo, click on a photo field, and select Take Photo or Choose Existing.

Note: Photos can not be annotated currently using the document Editor.



Drawings: Drawings can be edited by clicking twice on the drawing field. Click and drag the mouse to draw in the area.

To save click the save button, and to clear it, select clear.


Signatures: Signatures can be edited by clicking on the signature area of the Signature Field. The signature can be edited by clicking and dragging along the area. To clear the signature, select clear, and to save it, click save.



2. Cancel or Submit Document

If you want to exit, but do not want to save the changes made to a document, click the Close button. 

If you want to exit, and you do want to save the changes made to a document, click the Submit button. When you submit a document, it is sent out just like when it is submitted via a mobile device which includes the data output or integrated data.


REMINDER: Any data that is changed using the document editor does NOT sync to the version of the document submitted on the device. The device will still show the originally submitted version of the document.



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