Sign a Document with naturalForms


How to Sign a Document with naturalForms

Many businesses and organizations use naturalForms to collect form information as well as secure electronic signatures for documents such as: quotes, agreements, contracts, proposals, work and service orders. Signing a document is quick and easy following the steps below.



1. Open the Signing Request Email

Signing request sent to a signer by a user of naturalForms will be sent to the signer by email. To view a request, open the email and look for the request from naturalForms or the business contact and company name that the signer is working with to complete documentation.

 Email Inbox



Open the email and review the message from the sender. Click Review & Sign Document to begin the signing process.

Email Message



2. Agree to Sign Electronically

Review the electronic signature and records disclosure and select the checkbox "I agree to use Electronic Records and Signatures and Consent". Click Continue to open the document for review of the signing request.

Agree to Consent


3. Review & Sign the Document

The document can now be fully reviewed and either declined or signed.

A. Review Document | The document is open and can be reviewed. If the document contains multiple pages, the page navigation at the footer of the window can be used to display the different pages. 

Document Navigation


B. Decline or Sign | After reviewing the document, you will either select Finish or Decline

Action Menu


1. Decline | To decline a document click Decline.


Decline Action  

The Finish screen will appear confirming the to request to decline. Click Decline to reject the signature request.


2. Sign | To sign a document click on the empty signature assigned to you at the bottom of the page. 

Sign Action


A. Enter the full legal name for signature authorization. 


B. There are four different style options for you to choose from.


C. When you have selected your signature style press the OK button at the bottom right corner.


D. Enter your initials for signature authorization. Once again, select one of the four style options and press OK



E. Once you have signed the document, go to the Finish button.


F. The Finish screen will appear confirming the to request. Click Submit to complete the signature request.




4. Download the Document | After signing a document, both the sender and signer will receive an email copy of the document with signature as below. The signer can download a copy of the document PDF for receipt and storage.

Signed Document





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