Edit User Information


You can update the user's first name, last name, or email address for an existing user. Simply click on the Edit  icon in the row of the user you wish to update.


To update either the First Name or the Last Name, simply type the new name into the appropriate field.

To update the Email address, type in the new email address for the user. 


You will then be prompted to confirm the change. After this, an email is sent to the previous email address to notify the user of the change. An email will also be sent to the new email address with a link to confirm the change by entering the user's password. 


NOTE: When you change a user's email address, the documents that they have saved to the device will not appear. If they change back to the old email, the documents will appear on the device.

Documents will still be available in the document list.

Work is currently in-process to have documents appear on devices for users after changing their email.

This is also where you Assign or Un-Assign Templates to a User.

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