Users can link fields to other fields on the template. This is useful if you have duplicate information on multiple pages of a template. For instance, the document you are working on needs the last name to appear on each page of the document. User can fill in the last name on the first page and by using a linked field to set up the last name on the remaining pages, the last name will automatically fill in the last name.
1. To set up a linked field, you can add the field a few ways, The first way is to select the Field Tools tab.
2. Click and drag the Linked field block to the field you are setting up in Designer.
Note: By using the blocks in the middle of the field and on the left and right, you can adjust the size of the field to the size you need.
3. Once the field is placed on the template, you can update the Field Settings.
a. The name of the linked field will be the same as the original field used to link the secondary fields. Instead of naming the field, simply choose the field from the Value From dropdown.
b. You can also add a linked field by copying and pasting fields as linked fields. You will use the copy/paste field as linked field located in the middle top of the title bar.
i. Select the field which will be used to collect data written by a user.
ii. Click on the Copy icon:
iii. Go to the area of the template where you want to paste the linked field and select the Paste as Linked field icon:
iv. Move the field into position.
c. You can manually modify the Selection Area of a field by changing the coordinates within the Selection Area.
d. You do not need to set the Value Area during template set up. This is an optional setting that will allow you to set a custom location for the field value when the value is interpreted.
4. Once the field is on the templates, we recommend setting Field Properties, such as font type, size, color and alignment. These settings will display on the PDF which is shared via Dropbox, Email, print or through output.
Note: Anytime you would like further information on what a setting in the Template Setting tab controls, simply click on the . By clicking on the
, you will be given a brief description on how each selection will impact the documents in naturalForms.