PDF Troubleshooting Guide


Recommendation for printing PDFs from Native Design Files

naturalForms recommends using the Standard Distiller Setting that is part of the default settings with Acrobat Distiller.


Fields not aligning in naturalForms when using PDF Maker and Microsoft Office

If using Microsoft Office and the PDF Maker add-in to generate a PDF of your template, please verify that the version of Adobe PDF Maker is compatible with Office. Below is a quick guide to verify your software versions are compatible. (*Checkmark is compatible, X is not compatible). You can also visit the Adobe Help section at: http://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/compatible-web-browsers-pdfmaker-applications.html to view all compatible applications with Adobe PDF Maker.


Landscape forms not generating correctly using PDF Maker and Microsoft Office

If your landscape PDF is not generating correctly when printing from Microsoft Office, verify that your version of Microsoft Office and PDF Maker are compatible. If they are not compatible, you will need to upgrade your versions to compatible version. See below for a list of the different versions and compatibility. (*Checkmark is compatible, X is not compatible). You can also visit the Adobe Help section at: http://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/compatible-web-browsers-pdfmaker-applications.html to view all compatible applications with Adobe PDF Maker.


Template colors do not look right in naturalForms

If using Acrobat Distiller, check the distiller settings. Usually, switching from a custom setting to one of the standard distiller settings will help clear up issues. One of the most common visual issues is the template image in naturalForms showing significant color variance from what the color should actually resemble. Using the “Standard” setting that is included with Distiller will clear this issue up once the PDF is redistilled and imported back into Designer.

Image in naturalForms using Acrobat Distiller and a custom distiller setting (incorrect color):

Image in naturalForms using Acrobat Distiller and the standard distiller setting (correct color):

Please refer to Adobe’s help page for in-depth explanation on their Distiller settings to help you pick the correct setting to use: http://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/pdf-conversion-settings.html#adobe_pdf_conversion_settings


Landscape, legal or A4 sized forms not generating correctly using Acrobat Distiller

When distilling your PDF using Acrobat Distiller, make sure to create the specific page size in the Adobe PDF Page Size setting in the PDF Document Properties screen.

To add a custom page size, click Add and enter the page size you would like to add:


How do I print from Microsoft Office products?

In order to print to PDF from Microsoft Office, you must have Acrobat installed on your PC. You can download and subscribe to Adobe Acrobat at the following location: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat.html

To make sure that you have the PDF Maker add-ins installed correctly, please reference Adobe’s Help section at: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/acrobat/X/pro/using/WSF09957C1-9B33-4561-A967-CD40C3157402.w.html

Please note, clicking on the above links will take you to Adobe’s website.

Once you have Acrobat installed, you can easily print from any one of Microsoft Offices products by selecting the Acrobat tab and clicking on the  icon in the upper left.

You can also print to PDF by clicking File>Save as PDF.

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