Alternative Method to Capture Date/Time


There are two ways to define date and time fields in NFS Designer:

Date/Time field:

Text field:

Possible Use Case Scenarios:



My tablets will be in different time zones from the server. I want the PDF output to reflect the actual date and time that was entered on the tablet.

You will want to add date and time fields as Text fields and then select either Allow Date or Allow Time. This will set the date or time as a string and will use the format that is set on the tablet. Display formats cannot be customized.

Example: Tablet is using 24 hour time. Time fields will be entered using the time picker. The format will be HH:mm. If 14:00 is entered in Los Angeles (PST) and the server is in Cincinnati (EST), the output PDF will display with 14:00.

My tablets will be in different time zones from the server. I want the PDF output to convert the date and time that was entered on the tablet to the server time.

You will want to add date and time fields as Date/Time fields and then select either Allow Date or Allow Time. With this type of field, you can then select the display format. The tablet will display in local time, but the output PDF will display the entered time converted to the server time.

Example: Tablet is in Los Angeles (PST) and a time of 11:00 am is entered. The server is in Cincinnati (EST) and a time of 2:00 pm is displayed on the output PDF.

I will be switching between time zones while entering data on a form (i.e. Aviation)

You will want to check the Use UTC Time Zone flag on the Template Settings. This will force the UTC time zone while entering information on the document. The output PDF will display the exact same data as the tablet (all in UTC).

I want to do calculations on time fields.

You will need to check the Use UTC Time Zone flag on the Template Settings. This will force the UTC time zone while entering information on the document. The output PDF will display the exact same data as the tablet (all in UTC).

Time calculations are only supported if the UTC flag is set.

Date calculations are not supported.

My tablets will always be in the same time zone as the server.

You will want to add date and time fields as Date/Time fields and then select either Allow Date or Allow Time. With this type of field, you can then select the display format.

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