Adding Annotations and Drawings to Documents (iOS 3.2.0+/Universal App)


Adding Annotations and Drawings to Documents (Post iOS 3.2.0).

This article is focused on version 3.2.0 and after, which upgraded drawing fields to include advanced features, such has: shapes, snap-to-grid, text, arrows, color changes, fill colors and line thickness controls. You can also learn about the previous version of drawing fields.

naturalForms supports annotations or drawings as field input. To add an annotation to an existing image or create a drawing, tap the appropriate field. The drawing panel appears with the following menu bar:


Users can choose from one of the following actions:

  • Freehand Ink

  • Line 
  • Selection

  • Delete

  • Objects

    • Shapes

    • Custom Icons

    • Text

  • Settings

    • Line Color

    • Fill Color
    • Line Thickness
    • Line Style
  • Grid Options
    • Snap
    • Visible
    • Size

This example shows an annotation to an existing image on the document. To begin annotating, select the pencil or shape menu using your finger or a stylus to create the sketch.


When you have completed your annotation, select the checkmark in the top right corner.


The Object menu includes the shapes/icons available to you. Custom shapes can be added specific for your needs as well (speak to your account rep for how to include custom shapes).

The Style menu can be used to change colors or line sizes.
The Grid menu also enables a snap-to-grid to be used for accurate and professional drawings. The grid can be visible, set to snapping and the size of the grid can be changed.

All sketches will auto-save after 5 seconds (indicated by a blue dot next to the checkmark) of inactivity and the result will be included in the drawing or photo field.
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