Download the App
For Apple Download for iOS
1. On your device click the download button above or search for naturalForms in the app store.
2. Install the naturalForms app.
Sign In
Prior to logging in, make sure that you have your User ID, Password, and the name of the naturalForms Server to which you will connect.
naturalForms must be installed to login for the first time.
1. Tap the naturalForms icon to begin.
The login screen appears.
2. Enter your Email Address, password, and the address of your server.
Password: ***********
Server Address:
Note: If you are using naturalForms for Android or an iPad prior to iOS7, then you will need to add "/services" at the end of the server address.
3. When you have entered your credentials, tap the lock to sign in.
4. When your tablet successfully synchronizes with the server you are logged in and ready to start using the template you have access to use.
If you are having Problems and your Login is Unsuccessful, try these following steps:
• Verify your User ID
• Verify your password
• Verify the Server Address
• Enter your server address starting with http instead of https
Contact your naturalForms provider for further assistance.