Time Out Errors in naturalForms


Common factors that can contribute to a Time Out Error being received in naturalForms:

  • If the internet connection is not very strong or if it is intermittent, this may be the reason that the time out is occurring. This is especially true the first time you sign into naturalForms or if many of your templates have recently been updated. 
  • The first time you log into naturalForms, all templates that are assigned to you will be loaded into the application. If this list is long, then this could also be a factor for the time out. Continue to attempt to log in until all templates are loaded or have your administrator reduce the number of templates assigned to you until you have successfully logged into naturalForms.
  • If the time out error is occurring on the document submission, you may have too many photos attached to your document.
    • Historically, we have seen this occur after 25 or more photos are attached, but this number varies depending on the internet connection at the time of submission and the size of the photo files.
      • If you suspect this is true, a simple test is to create an email and attach the same photo files to the email. If the email will not go through either, then the file size is most likely the reason for the time out in naturalForms.
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