Purpose of Submitting a Document


Submitting a document will send the document to the server.


Advantages of submitting documents are:

  1. Rules can be set up to forward the document to a various email addresses. Every time a document is submitted, an email is automatically generated to a set of recipients.

  2. The document will be added to the server database. This will enable you to access past documents through the NFS Portal. If you mistakenly delete a document from the tablet and/or delete an email with the document, you can easily pull it from the portal.

  3. You can set up rules to generate the document in data file format upon submission (i.e. csv, xml, or json). This will enable you to integrate the data entered on the document into back-end systems.

You are not required to submit documents to the server to use naturalForms.

If you prefer to simply email from within naturalForms, you have that option.

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