Location (GPS) Attachments


Location can be added to any document and submitted by the app. To add a location, you will need to select the Attachments menu.

Attachments can be setup to be predefined, meaning the attachment will be a default input available with the template, or attachments can be setup to be added on demand (or supplemental) for individual documents. 

To Add a Location, drag and drop a Location from the Attachment Tools.


Enter the name of the location attachment. The name of the location will be the same for each user using the template.


If you have Multiple Locations, you can reorder the list by dragging and adjusting the order.


To make a location mandatory, check the Mandatory checkbox associated with the location.


You can also allow supplemental location to be included with a document. To allow users to include supplemental location, check the Allow Supplemental checkbox associated with the Location Attachment. The user will name the supplemental location at the time it is added in the app.



To Delete an attachment, click on the "x" (displayed when hovering over) on the right of the attachment field name.




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