The Groups page shows the groups which have been setup in the account. The following information is displayed for each group:
Name: Shows the name of an group.
Users: Shows the number of users assigned to the group.
Templates: Shows the number of templates assigned to the group.
Created Date: This column shows the date on which the group was created.
Modified Date: This column shows the date on which the group was last modified.
To add a group simply click on the Add, and complete the account information presented in the Group Settings screen.
The Group Settings page includes the group name and the output settings or where to delivery the data when submitted.
To edit an account, click on the Settings button.
To add templates to the group, select the desired group in the group list. Following the Templates section will appear allow you to add or edit templates assigned to the group.
To add users to the group, select the desired group in the group list. Following the Users section will appear allow you to add or edit users assigned to the group.
To delete an account, click on the Delete button.
To search for a specific account, type the desired text in the search box at the top of the table.