To edit the information for your account, go to the Account page and click the Settings button.
In the Account tab, you may edit your name and address. The account number is not editable since it is automatically generated by the system.
In the License tab, the number of Allowed Devices reflects the maximum number of devices which your account can have active at one time. If you would like to change the number of allowed devices available, contact your naturalForms account administrator.
The number of Allowed API Keys reflects the maximum number of unique API Keys that can be given out to users. If you would like to change the number of allowed API Keys available, contact your naturalForms account administrator.
The Locked checkbox, if enabled, prevents all users associated with the account from accessing naturalForms. Locking of an account is controlled by your Server Administrator. Account administrators will not be able to lock their own account.
You may edit the primary contact, financial contact, and administrative contact for the account in the Contacts tab.
On the Output Settings tab, the data delivery settings can be configured to send your data to the proper locations and desired formats. For more information on Output Settings visit the Output Settings help page.
Select Save when you are done making edits.