You can create a checklist using a series of single radio buttons that have a value assigned to them. Because radio button values are stored as text, you can then transfer "behind the scenes" this value into a numeric field. Once these are all in numeric fields, then calculations can be performed on them, such as summing the values or performing some other type of calculation. Here is an example:
Drag over a Radio Button field. Set the Default Value to “0”.
Click on Radio Button Tools and drag over the single radio button. Set the Value to “1”.
Then drag over a Numeric Field. Mark this field as read only and set the font to WHITE. A radio button value is a text value. In order to perform a calculation on it, you will need to copy the value from the radio button into a numeric field. Otherwise, the values will be concatenated instead of summed. If you wish to hide this field, then you can set the font to white so it is not visible to the user.
For the Total, drag over a Numeric Field and mark the field as read only.
Next, you will need to create a rule for the numeric equivalent of the radio button value.
After all the checklist radio button and numeric fields have been created, you will need to add a rule to add up the checklist values. You will need to use the numeric, hidden fields in the white fonts.