Conditional Mandatory Rule (Enterprise)


The Conditional Mandatory behavior designates a field as required based on the input of a dependent field. To set a validation rule for this, you will need to select the Rules menu.

Select the field you wish to make mandatory based on a specific condition. You will then select the Add a rule drop down menu from under Validation Rules and choose Conditional Mandatory.

Conditional Mandatory Simple Expression rules work by setting the field’s mandatory property to the expression result (either true or false) whenever a value used within the expression changes.

A combination of fields, comparison operators, naturalForms functions, and grouping symbols can be used to create simple expressions.

Fields provided in the Rule Tools can be dragged and dropped into the expression at the current cursor location to simplify rule creation.


Note: Fields cannot be both Mandatory and Conditional Mandatory. If a field is marked as Mandatory and you wish to change that field to Conditional Mandatory, simply uncheck the Is Mandatory checkbox on the Field Settings.


Set Paid to be mandatory if the MaterialSubtotal plus the LaborSubtotal is more than $500.

Set up a Conditional Mandatory rule for Paid with the following expression:

                MaterialSubtotal + LaborSubtotal > 500

Then when the combined subtotals exceed $500, the Paid field becomes mandatory in naturalForms.



Set Name of Spouse to be mandatory if Married is selected as the Marital Status.

Set up a Conditional Mandatory rule for Name of Spouse with the following expression:

               MaritalStatus = “Married”

Then when the user selects Married, the Name of Spouse field becomes mandatory in naturalForms.



Set Previous Address to be mandatory if the checkbox for the Moved field (‘Have you moved within the last 12 months?') is checked.

Set up a Conditional Mandatory rule for Previous Address with the following expression:


Then when the user selects the checkbox, the Previous Address field becomes mandatory in naturalForms.



Note: To see a list of complex rules that that can be used for the conditional mandatory rule, please view the Field Namespace section of Limited Complex Calculations Available for Use article.

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