Managing Devices


A device is an iPad or Android tablet which is running naturalForms and registered on the server. Devices are automatically registered when the user logs into naturalForms, provided that the total number of active devices does not exceed the number of allowed devices for your customer account.

The following information can be viewed on the Device Management page:

Device Hash: The Device Hash is a unique identifier for each device.

Status: The status of a device can be Active, Disabled or Enabled.  An active device has been registered in naturalForms Server (NFS) and is able to submit documents from naturalForms. A disabled device has been deactivated, and cannot submit documents. The default deactivation period for a device is 2 days. An enabled device is a device which has been previously disabled, and is now enabled because the deactivation period has expired.

Name: The name is the device name specified by the end user.

Platform Name: The platform name refers to the type of device, such as iPad or Android.

Registered: This column shows the date that the device was initially registered on NFS. Registration occurs automatically when a user logs into naturalForms for the first time on that specific device.

Last Sign in By: This column shows the e-mail address associated with the user account that last signed into naturalForms using the specific device.

Last Sign In: This column shows the date and time that a user last signed into naturalForms with the specific device.

Last Disabled: When applicable, this column shows the date and time that the specific device was most recently deactivated.

Disabling a Device

If you have exceeded the maximum number of devices which your account is allowed to register, disabling a device will allow you to change which devices are active. To disable a device, select the row of the device and click Disable, as shown. You will be prompted to confirm that the device must be disabled. You will receive confirmation that the device was disabled successfully, and the date and time in the Last Disabled column will be updated.


To search for a specific document name, click the icon to the right of the column title. A menu for specifying search options will appear. Click the arrow in the drop-down list to reveal additional search options. This searching functionality is available for all pages and columns in NFS Portal. 

Page Navigation

Use the page navigation and items per page controls at the bottom of each table in NFS Portal to move between pages and display desired number of items. The table control functionality is available for all pages in NFS Portal.

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