Viewing documents using the dashboard


The Documents Summary shows the documents which have been submitted in naturalForms.

View PDF: To view a PDF of the complete document, select the row of the document and click View PDF.

Download Output: To download output files of the document, select the row of the document and click Download Output. Files will be downloaded and contained in a zip file. Standard files will include the PDF and all attachment files (photo and audio).
Data files in XML, CSV, or JSON formats are also available as a custom setting by account or template. To modify the Download Output files, please refer to the Output Settings tab in the Account Management page.

Last Submit Date: The most recent date and time that the document was submitted to the naturalForms Server (NFS).

Document: The name of the document when created in naturalForms.

Template: The name of the template used for the submitted document.

User: This column shows the email address associated with the user account that submitted the document from naturalForms.

Device Hash: The device hash is a unique identifier for the device from which the document was submitted.

To search for a specific document name, click the icon to the right of the column title. A menu for specifying search options will appear. Click the arrow in the drop-down list to reveal additional search options. This searching functionality is available for all pages and columns in NFS Portal.

Page Navigation
Use the page navigation and items per page controls at the bottom of each table in NFS Portal to move between pages and display desired number of items. The table control functionality is available for all pages in NFS Portal.

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