Setting Photos Per Page on the Output PDF

The photos per page setting is not available with the initial release of NFS Designer. There is a hotfix that can be used if the photo thumbnails need to be configured in something other than 2x3 per page.

If you are a customer on one of ExpeData's hosted servers, please contact Technical Support to have this setting updated for you.

If you have your own naturalForms Server (NFS), then here are the directions that you need to implement a hotfix to change this configuration.

The attached files are examples of the files that will need to go into the following directory on the server:
[workaround root directory]/[Customer Number]/PhotoAttachmentConfig/ 

Example: \\[NFS Server]\naturalForms\Config\HotFix\10104\PhotoAttachmentConfig
hotfix.json is the settings at the customer level and hotfix-[templateid].json is the template level.
The order that the settings will be taken are:
  1. Hotfix at template level
  2. Hotfix at customer level
  3. template settings (if the template was converted from a Forms Manager template)
  4. default of 2 x 3
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